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Wedgwood Vera Wang Vera Wang With Love 8X10 Frame - Misc

Wedgwood Vera Wang Vera Wang With Love 8x10 Frame

Turn memories into treasures with the With Love 8x10in Picture Frame; which borders your cherished photos with gleaming silver; to make a truly romantic statement.
Wedgwood Vera Wang Vera Infinity Double Invitation Frame - Misc

Wedgwood Vera Wang Vera Infinity Double Invitation Frame

The perfect gift for newly weds, this Vera Wang Infinity Double Invitation Frame will turn memories into mementoes highlighted with the clarity of silver plate.
Wedgwood Vera Wang Grosgrain 8X10 Frame - Misc

Wedgwood Vera Wang Grosgrain 8x10 Frame

Turn memories into treasures with the Grosgrain Silver 8"x10" Frame; which borders your cherished photos with the classic Grosgrain design captured in radiant silver plated.
Wedgwood Vera Wang Grosgrain 5X7 Double Frame - Misc

Wedgwood Vera Wang Grosgrain 5x7 Double Frame

Turn memories into treasures with the Grosgrain Silver 5"x7" Double Frame; which borders two of your cherished photos with the classic Grosgrain design captured in radiant sterling silver.
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